Guest Article Guidelines

----- Update: I am currently not accepting guest articles. -----

Would you like to write a guest article on my site?

  • Do you have a cattle farming strategy, a grazing tip, or some ranching advice to share?
  • Are you involved in (or do you know of) any beef production research that would be helpful to the cattle farmers visiting my site? If it involves cattle or grass, we want to know about it!
  • Do you have a new product tip, book, or tool that would be valuable to my readers?
  • Or would you like to share some of your own cattle farming experiences or showcase your farm so others can learn from you?

I am always looking for fresh contributions to my site. Contributions should speak clearly to one of the questions listed above, offer practical hands-on advice, or stimulate thought about how readers can improve their cattle farms.

My readers are involved in all parts of the cattle industry - cow-calf, stockers, cattle finishing, and seed stock production - and include grass fed, conventional and organic cattle producers. 

Submissions should:

  • Be 100% new original content, not published anywhere else. 
  • Be well written, clear, interesting, and helpful to cattle farmers.
  • Be factually correct.
  • Provide proper attribution of data, quotes, and outside content cited in the article along with a hyperlink to the original source.
  • Not be overly self-promotional.
  • Be written in a casual helpful writing style. Stay away from buzzwords and jargon.
  • Include images to support your article, if applicable.
  • Include a one- to two-sentence author bio with a headshot.

What I won't publish:

There are some things that I simply cannot publish:

  • Anything that's been covered on the site before. Articles should cover new ground or provide a new perspective on a topic.
  • Anything that could be interpreted as a link-building scheme.
  • Anything that is too promotional. 
  • Anything that is offensive.
  • Anything that is inaccurate. Please fact-check your article carefully.
  • Anything overtly critical of any individual, company, or alternate production strategy. This is an educational site to exchange cattle farming ideas from across a broad spectrum of the cattle industry. Different opinions are welcome and encouraged, but this is not a site to air grievances or engage in philosophical, ideological, or political battles. 
  • Anything that has been previously published. My site relies on original content. My recommended links and my social media accounts are where I sometimes share useful links and previously-published resources with my readers.

The Not-So-Fine Print:

  • At the end of the guest article I will include one link to your website or blog so readers can find more of your work, plus one link to your preferred social media outlet so readers can follow you.
  • Guest articles cannot be republished on your own site or blog. Nor can you republish it or allow it to be republished elsewhere on the web. Duplicate content is bad for search engine optimization. Google will hate me (and you) for it. Please just share the original link to the article - thank you.
  • All links within guest articles will be assigned a "nofollow" attribute for search-engine robots. Guest articles on my site are for readers to discover new high-quality content from other high-quality publishers from around the web, not for search engine optimization. 
  • There will be no financial compensation for guest articles.
  • Sharing ideas about useful new technologies, new books, and new scientific studies that will benefit readers is encouraged, but an overt sales pitch is not. 
  • You must have permission to use any image included in your article. If it's your own image, please tell me. If you use Creative Commons images, they must be accompanied by full attribution in the style used on my site. If using stock photography, please supply me with a copy of your usage license to be kept on file. If it is a royalty-free image or if it is in the public domain, please supply a link verifying its status for my records. Because my website relies on affiliate links and advertising, image use must be permitted for commercial use. 
  • I may re-edit, re-adapt, or re-update your article in the future for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
  • Grass-Fed-Solutions reserves the right to include calls-to-action on all content published on the site.
  • I reserve the right to reject submissions at my sole discretion. 
  • I reserve the right to remove contributed posts any time in the future.

How to Submit an Article:

  • The first step is to use the Guest Article Proposal Form below to get in touch with your idea. 

Here is a little more information about formatting and submitting the article once we have discussed it:

  • Articles should be 800-1500 words, but don't sacrifice brevity for quality. Extremely helpful image-heavy articles may occasionally be shorter.
  • Submit the article as a Google document or Word document
  • Images are encouraged - they always help to tell a better story. Submit images in a separate folder in the .jpg format. Maximum 800px wide and 100kb in size per image. Images may be re-sized and compressed to fit the post prior to publishing. 
  • Include a short author bio and/or company overview (1-2 sentences), plus an author headshot, which I will use to introduce you prior to turning the page over to your post.
  • Please provide links to your website and your preferred social media platform so they can be included in the article.

Guest Article Proposal Form

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please complete the challenge that you see below.


Happy Cow

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  3. Guest Article Guidelines