Quick links to article groups on this page:
The seven core grazing rules discussed in this article series should be built into the very heart of your rotational grazing program.
Harnessing the power of the herd migration - how to use electric fences as the steering wheel, brake, and accelerator to control your most powerful farm tool - your grazing herd. | |
The Core Grazing Rules Summary - a handy stripped-down reference list of the seven core grazing rules that every grass fed beef producer needs to know in their sleep. Versión española: Las siete reglas fundamentales para una gestión exitosa del pastoreo |
The Daily Pasture Rotation - (Grazing Rules # 1-4) Versión española: La Rotación Diaria de Pradera | |
The Grass-Fed Solution to Cattle Feeding - (Grazing Rule # 5) ![]() Versión española: Resolviendo la alimentación del ganado alimentando a base de pasto | |
Preparing Pastures for Winter Grazing - (Grazing Rule # 6) | |
Winter Grazing Strategies - (Grazing Rule # 7) |
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Voisin-style Rational Grazing - interview with Daniel Suárez, cattle rancher and grazing educator. Version Española: El Pastoreo Racional Voisin - Entrevista. |
Continuing your grazing rotation during the winter is key to reducing your production costs. Articles in this group explain how to prepare your cattle herd to safely continue grazing during the winter months.
Raising Beef Cattle on Grass - Learn how to prepare your cattle herd for your grazing conditions. | |
Cattle Body Condition Scores - How to monitor cattle body fat levels to optimize their health and fertility. | |
Training Cattle for Winter Grazing - How to train cattle to graze through deep snow. | |
Livestock Bedding and Shelter During Winter Grazing - How to keep your cattle warm and dry while out on winter pasture. | |
Cattle Nutrition Tips - strategies to safely reduce your cattle's nutritional requirements so you can extend your grazing season deeper into the winter. | |
NEW! Cattle Supplements and Minerals - A step-by-step guide to creating a mineral and cattle supplement program for your pasture rotation. Version Española: Suplementación Nutritivo Para El Ganado |
These articles show how to use cow psychology and electric fences to shape grazing behavior and improve your land.
Grass Improvement: pasture management with electric fences (Part I) - improving pasture yields, improving grass quality, loosening compacted soils, reseeding pastures. | |
Soil Fertility: pasture management with electric fences (Part II) - improving soil fertility, managing riparian areas, protecting sensitive areas. | |
Soil Moisture: pasture management with electric fences (Part III) - increasing soil moisture, drought management, erosion control. | |
Weeds: pasture management with electric fences (Part IV) - eradicating pasture weeds. | |
Beef Cattle Management - how to use your electric fence grid as your primary cattle management tool. |
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