Book Announcement: Plunderers of the Earth

by Julius Ruechel

Plunderers of the Earth

Although I have made a point of keeping my cattle farming articles here at separate from my investigative journalism, as many of you have already discovered from finding my deep dives elsewhere on the internet, I also have another website ( where I write about society’s accelerating unraveling in articles ranging across history, philosophy, science, and democracy. Sometimes I dig into the minute details of a story, at other times I zoom way out to see the bigger picture, but in every case I try to follow the cookie crumb trail of evidence wherever it leads to provide the kind of perspective that can only come from independent journalists who are not beholden to corporate media, political masters, or the gatekeepers who control funding in our increasingly broken scientific institutions. ..

However, my latest book, Plunderers of the Earth: the erosion of civilization, the mad crusade to control the climate, and the untold stories of soil and CO2 (#CommissionsEarned), spans across the range of topics that I cover on both websites, with important practical lessons for both farmers and cattlemen.

Plunderers of the Earth tells the complex tale of how political and ecological systems unravel — often in tandem — whenever society embraces centralized decision-making, empowers a masterful administrative state at the expense of individual and local autonomy, and thus creates perverse incentives that gradually hollow out once-thriving civilizations and once-thriving ecosystems.

As I peeled back the layers of political and ecological unraveling, a parallel yet altogether different scientific detective story began to emerge from chaos — one that is partially familiar to anyone who has experience with rotational grazing and is familiar with the powerful symbiotic relationship between cattle, grass, and soil. By all accounts, that story should be both the political and the ecological story that defines our century based on the scale of its destruction and the implications for civilization’s future. 

And yet that story has largely gone unnoticed because as long as crusading eyes are fixated on the distorted one-dimensional version of history that seeks to portray CO2 as the alleged “control knob on the climate”, few can see this other story unfolding right beneath our feet. And fewer still recognize its implications. Things that happen slowly are the most difficult to recognize, and to stop.

After almost two years of work on this project, I am finally pleased to announce the release of my newest book: Plunderers of the Earth: the erosion of civilization, the mad crusade to control the climate, and the untold stories of soil and CO2. I hope you will find it as eye-opening to read as it was for me to research and write. And, most of all, as stewards of the land, I hope you will find it to be an infinitely practical guide to help you fine-tune your efforts to create and nurture humus-rich soils in our grasslands, forests, and fields.

It is available now on Amazon in print and as an e-book.#CommissionsEarned

Plunderers of the Earth

View on Amazon.#CommissionsEarned


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