Low-cost pasture-based cattle farming

If you are raising beef cattle or thinking of getting into the cattle farming business, you've come to the right place! On these pages, you will learn about:

  • low-cost cow-calf production,
  • innovative grazing and pasture management,
  • grass fed beef production strategies,
  • new pasture technologies,
  • the science of cattle and pastures.

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Where to Start

Beef Cattle Farming

Image Credit: John Fisher, Flickr, CC BY 2.0

And some more popular articles:

Low-Cost Cow-Calf Cattle Farming Strategies

Are you a low-cost cattle producer? These strategies will help you join that elite group of ranchers that remain profitable regardless of what the markets and weather are doing! 

Re-Creating a Herd Migration

Harnessing the power of the herd migration - how to use electric fences as the steering wheel, brake, and accelerator to control your most powerful farm tool - your grazing herd.

The Devastating Beef Changes Unleashed by Cattle Stress

The Devastating Beef Changes Unleashed by Cattle Stress - understanding this chain-of-events is the key to building a better cattle finishing program.

Beef Cattle Breeds

Beef Cattle Breeds - The step-by-step selection process to follow when choosing the perfect cattle breed (or breed combination) to suit your cattle farming strategy.

Drought Management Tips

Top 10 Drought Management Tips for your Cattle Pastures - these strategies are designed to help you navigate the challenges of a drought year by boosting pasture yields, protecting your plants, and reducing soil moisture losses. 

Mobile Cattle Water

Mobile Cattle Water - how to build your own mobile cattle watering system for your pasture rotation.

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Gary Charles · Feb 24, 2025

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Maggie Edwards · Mar 15, 2022

We farm in southern England with a herd or organic Red Poll cattle which are purely grass fed. Julius Ruechels' book, Grass Fed Cattle. has been like a bible to us. Although aimed at cattle in Canada, its information applies equally well here in the UK. We found its chapters on grass management, cattle behaviour and marketing extremely useful. When we travelled to Australia to visit other Red Poll herds, we gave our hosts a copy of this overarching book. Unlike many farmers who never have the opportunity to taste their own produce, we sell our own beef from our farm, in local markets and on the internet. We liken our beef to a fine wine as customers understand and accept the higher prices for wine. Most of the UK public think beef is beef and have not been encouraged to discern different tastes and qualities. Once buyers have tasted our beef they understand how different it is from the corn fed supermarket, not hung, product on sale there. Red Polls are a dual purpose breed and ideal for grass fed management but they do take longer to mature to slaughter than a corn fed animal. However, our organic method means we don't purchase any fertilisers or regular antibiotics and our cattle are classed as slow food. Thank you Julius for your book and for all the encouragement we have gleaned from it. www.CoolsFarmOrganics.com

Julius Ruechel (mod) · Mar 17, 2022

@Maggie Edwards, I really appreciate all your kind words about my book! I explored your website; your farm looks absolutely beautiful! I love Red Poll cattle but unfortunately they are still quite rare here in Canada.
